Monday, August 22, 2011

Routine . . .

I’m trying to get into a good routine and get my to-do list the way I like them for each day of the week! I’m looking forward to the girls starting school so I can get to a few of the big tasks around here that have been put off all summer. With a little one and an ornery 9 year old it’s hard to take on big tasks with both of them home running all over messing and getting into everything . . . Here is my to do list that I created in Word last night. Also my weekly task list.. these are the things I hope to get to within the week sometime. What is your plan of action for the day or the week?

Friday, August 05, 2011

The First Pick

This year we finally took a leap of faith and planted our very first Garden. We figured that trial and error was the best way to learn and we've already learned so much and have so many different garden plans for next year! Im even toying with maybe planting a few things for a fall garden.

So today we got our very first pick from our very first garden and I'm so excited!!! I cannot wait to cook it!


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Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The To- Do's!

Today I'm tackling something thats been on my T- Do list for awhile now. When i use a recipe to cook dinner i print it out from my computer & tack it to my cork board in the kitchen while I cook. Id love to just bring the computer into the kitchen with me but i have very little counter space. So over time I've accumulated a lot of printed out recipies and have started to reprint some because I couldnt find the one I'd printed before. So today i tackle my recipe binder :)

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