This is just so pretty and it's so enjoyable to knit!!
Hello Twenty Twenty-five
2 weeks ago
PS. Our fridge is empty looking, I've noticed since I started frugal cooking that not alot of the ingredients I buy go into the fridge..... hrmmm... interesting. The Pantry on the other hand is very full!
I found a very cool Application for my Ipod that is a knitting stitch/row counter. OMG it rocks, the only is.. I wish you could save more than one project.. hehe!!!
Speaking of knitting, I finished up Mom's Thermos Cowl last night while I was lonely (hubby at work) and counch ridden (see above) I just need to get buttons, I'll post more pics when I get someone to model it for me :)
That's all for this post, I'm tired :( Wiped out from the fridge even!!! argh!