Back in October (yeah I know it's been awhile (again!) and I'm behind LOL! Anyway, back in October we had our Campfire fall camp. We only camp two times a year. Once in the spring and once in the fall. The fall one can be tricky since it falls at the end of October and in Oklahoma you never know what kind of weather your going to be getting. Three years ago when Ashley and I first became a part of Campfire we nearly FROZE at the fall camp. The next year was a little chilly, last year wasn't bad and all, but this year we got rained out of all of our activities since most of them are outdoors. We still had a great time. We were at least prepared for the rain and the down time gave the girls some extra time to really get to know one another!
We camp in Cabins at Group Camp 1 at Lake Murray State Park. The cabins do have electricity and some have fire places. The bathrooms & showers are within walking distance. This is the Cabin we got this year. The ones we've had in the years before have been much smaller. But our group grew in numbers this year so we needed a bigger one! I was just happy to be closer to the bathroom! LOL!!
This year was the first year our girls got to do the ceremonial lowering of the flag, I was a bit worried about them dropping the flag in the process of folding it, But they did such a fantastic Job! They lead the Pledge of Alliance, Campfire Law and then lowered and folded the flag.
At fall Camp we also have a fall festival where the kids get to dress up in their Halloween costumes and play games and do cake walks to win Candy and prizes. I was very surprised this year that everyone's costume was different in 7-10 (our group number) Last year we had a couple of princesses and a couple of cheerleaders.
Below is a photo of groggy morning girls waiting for the flag raising before breakfast. We have ladies (former Campfire Leaders/Mom's) who volunteer to cook our meals for us and we always have delicious meals! We always especially look forward to the breakfast.
We love our crafts & this year we took old Campfire Girls skirts and made messenger bags out of them.
This year our BB Guns and physical activities got rained out, those were all set mostly for Saturday. But Margaret our Regional Director set it up to where everyone got to Canoe on Sunday when it wasn't raining.
We always look forward to Camp. We always have so much fun and it's nice to get away from town and everyday life. I love watching the girls do the activities & learn new things. Can't wait for Spring Camp!
Hello Twenty Twenty-five
2 weeks ago