Friday, May 10, 2013

Pink Cozumel Queen!


Well, I'm a few days late getting this one out but it's been a busy week! Thank you to those who commented & sent me a message. I appreciate you letting me know that your reading!

How's the Week Been?

It's been a good but busy week. Monday Mom had a Dr.'s appointment. Her blood levels were low (from the cancer) and when we told her oncologist that she had vacation plans for the end of the week he scheduled her to come in on Tuesday for a blood transfusion so there would be no worry while she was gone.

That day I'd gotten a new pair of shoes in that I'd ordered from QVC. They were orthopedic type shoes. Well, it was a mistake because they have huge arches. The arch in my left foot is broken down. So the next day I wasn't able to walk because there was a swollen tendon right in the middle of the bottom of my left foot. So those shoes are going back for sure. So my dear husband did all of the taxi-ing on Tuesday while I kept my foot up.

What the Family has been up to

On Tuesday Ashley had field day at school. I had planned on going and helping out for awhile that day but since my foot was hurt I didn't get too. Then on Thursday Abbey had a King and Queens ball at her school for the letter "Q" day. I wasn't able to attend that since I was helping Mom get ready for her trip. I hate that I missed so much with their schools and Camp Fire this year. But it was all for good reasons.

Mom left yesterday afternoon with her Sister and Niece for a fun trip to Cozumel!! Mom's never been and she was so excited! She sat in this living room and waited very impatiently for them to pick her up.. it was cute how anxious she was! I know they will have lots of fun and laughs. They will be home on Monday. I'm so happy Mom was able to have this trip with them. A few months ago we didn't think she'd feel well enough.

We've had a few beautiful days this week and a few cloud ones. I did enjoy one day out side for a couple of hours of spinning. Then last night I enjoyed a good hour outside sky-ping with my BFF Stephanie :-)

Ashley has been asking a few weeks if she could get some pink chunks in her hair so we went for it this week!

Camp Fire

I'm getting down to the last few meetings. So this week I got the list together of the emblems my kids earned. We were busy this last year and earned quiet a few!!

This past Monday we learned about Clouds and Made our own!!!


I've had a little knitting time this week which I am always happy to have! I'd been working on getting caught up on all the video knitting podcast that I watch and I like to knit along while watching them. I actually finally got caught up on them this week! Now I can get back to my Gilmore Girls marathon! LOL!!!

I've been working on my Secret knitting mostly but here is a not to revealing picture. It is really an enjoyable knit.

This is a ruffle scarf. They are all the craze now and I didn't think I'd fall in line but someone special to me has mentioned she thinks they are beautiful and so I'm knitting one just for her. It's easy just a little fiddly.

I love Ann Hanson patterns. Someday I'll have knit every sock pattern design she has This week I cast on the LongJohn pattern.

Below is a mitered scarf pattern I'm working on using some handspun yarn that I won at a Knitting retreat I attended last year. I started out using the yarn for a shawl but the pattern wasn't showing off the yarn. I feel this pattern is doing a much better job of that.


I did just a little spinning this week. This is some Merino & Silk. I love this color. I think I'm going to spin all 4oz. onto one bobbin and see if I can find another 4oz. color to spin and ply with this... maybe white... or the blue... hmm....

The bobbin on the left is chain plied (3 plies) the one on the right is a single I need to ply. This yarn is going to be some finger-less mitts for me someday!


Not much cooking inside this week. Mom bought me a new grill so we've been grilling everything you could imagine. I've made good use of some of the lowry's marinades in the BBQ section of the store. We used the Hawaiian and The Garlic and Pepper one. Both were delicious!

Around the house

I cleaned my aunts house this week and she had the most awesome gadget next to her sink.. so I went searching on amazon for it when I got home!! It came in just this morning. Yaay for no sink clutter!!!

Well that's it for this week! Happy Mother's Day to all of you ladies out there! Show your Mom how much you love her this Mother's Day and Tell her too!

Until Next Week...
Be Happy!